A friend of mine was asking for tips on how to use Herja to the
best of her abilities, I wrote up some thoughts then decided I may as well
publish them on my blog in case anyone else was interested! Now while these are
Herja specific they will apply to a greater or lesser extent for a variety of
other characters such as Basusu, Pharaoh with Wings, Vampires etc. So could be
worth a look regardless. :)
Also don’t forget knowing how your opponent is
likely to use a unit may well be key to neutralising said unit, if you can
predict what it may do you can limit its options and perhaps catch and kill it.
Tank – She can
keep a normal unit of Infantry/Cav with CS busy all day long, between Def 6,
Iron Resolve and Lifeleech she isn’t going to die… Now this isn’t something you
are necessarily going to want to do with her all game long, but it can be just
long enough to protect another unit from a flank etc.
War Engines/Characters
– She is perfect for taking out War Engines, especially those without Individual!
She will likely rout them in one turn. She will easily disorder characters so
is ideal vs Flyers/Wizards as she will do at least one damage. (likely 3 or 4+) That being said a Dragon will
do some damage in return and may win the overall fight. So set up a trap In
which you charge the grounded Dragon in the flank/rear the turn after.
Anything but? – She
is very fast and can charge in any direction this allows you to add her in
almost anywhere. Have a vague idea of what damage your units will do, doesn’t need
to be perfect. If you see a combat and it’s not going to be a crushing win for
you, consider sending Herja in too, the extra damage may be enough to swing the
Here’s a chart showing what damage she’ll do on average. Elite
makes her quite reliable.
Survivable – She
just won’t die unless? Generally don’t move her into a position where she can
be charged by anything that can kill her! (CS2+ or the Hammer of Measured Force
especially) Or at least ensure that anything that can do so will be hindered
when it charges. (place her on the edge of a forest for example) If she does
take a pounding, despite Iron Resolve run away! Losing flight isn’t generally a big deal for
her. (assuming CoK) And of course the best way to run away is actually to
charge and kill something else, (Lifeleech!) this even allows you to go within
1” of other enemy units handy for escaping traps. She is ideal points denial.
Objectives? – Now
the CoK pack limits this but certain tournaments (such as the recent Lonewolf)
actually still allow individuals to score, this is huge! If she’s near the
centre of the board at the end of the game she can fly nearly anywhere and
possibly give you a win. Worth bearing in mind.
Even with CoK she can stand on Loot markers etc and be generally
annoying. And of course she can certainly help kill things which are about to
give you opponent a win.
Special – Now assuming
CoK tweaks she has a Heal 5 she can use anywhere on the table, now you will
mostly want to be charging with her, so I would probably use this turn 1 or two
if anything you care about has taken at least 2 damage. If you save it, it
probably won’t get used at all.
Alternatively if you’re playing her per the book then you
just pick an infantry unit and hope to get lucky. It’s incredibly annoying on
Thralls, chaff that just won’t die…
Well honestly she doesn’t really have that many, she is
relatively expensive, but it’s points well spent. Her one downside really is
she does only have 7 attacks where as a horde of Fallen for similar points has
18. Course she’s so flexible and hard to kill that she really is well worth her
Overall – Herja is
an incredibly flexible unit that as you’ve probably seen almost every Varangrr
player takes! Now oddly despite all that I don’t actually use her myself! Why?
Well as much as I can see her utility I wanted another main hammer, and now I’ve
felt the power of three hordes of Fallen I am loath to drop one! :p
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